Why does baka loader not recognize meet and fuck
Why does baka loader not recognize meet and fuck

why does baka loader not recognize meet and fuck

It is common knowledge that Yuujiro is the father of Baki and Jack Hanma, but he states in a conversation with Mohammad Alai who invited him into his home to meet his son that Yuujiro has in fact fathered many children throughout the world who remain unknown to the plot. He encourages Baki to have sex with Kozue Matsumoto which eventually triggers his transition into manhood and a drastic change in Baki's fighting maturity which is seen during his fight with Ryuukou Yanagi. His motives for this are a mixture of Yuujiro's parental projection of Baki following in his own image as a legendary fighter and the potential of creating a stronger opponent for himself for entertainment. It should be noted that despite his oppressive and generally hands-off parenting style with Baki, he does, in fact, want him to become stronger. Yuujiro unabashedly interferes in Baki's affairs by creating destructive challenges for him to overcome and develop from. Even Musashi Miyamoto has stated that "there is a kindness" to Yuujiro. Because he was obliterating their oppressors, the weak started to see him as something sent from God. He even fought for the weak in wars to be, in his words, a "role-model". He's also shown to, despite having killed her, possess some affection towards Emi (and even seemingly regret what he did, but it is hard to say) as shown when he says to Hinary that he would protect whoever had close ties with Emi. Offering Baki some soup as a sign of respect for his power after an eventual tie between him and his son also trying to avoid telling Kaoru Hanayama the fact that he signed an autograph for a kid out of embarrassment. Yuujiro does have a somewhat "soft" side. In truth, the most of the time only silently listening others and sometimes add something and can keep his cool even when he is insulted although when enough is enough, he can be very violent, however almost instantly switch back to his usual calm demeanor. He is stoic most of the time, often speaking only what is needed and even just what is necessary to say. Despite being wrathful, Yuujiro is surprisingly patient and almost always keeps his cool. Since his fight with Baki went viral, Yuujiro is annoyed to find that he has gained unwanted fans, and has referenced several young children asking for his autograph since the fight. He considers his body as the ultimate weapon which proves to be more effective and deadly than any kind of other weapon or technology. He believes that everything should be obtained with pure strength alone and therefore does not believe in using weapons. He views everyone else as being insects compared to him, and sees them as "the weak". He is a very arrogant man, believing as well as knowing that he is the strongest living creature on Earth, and he feels inclined to do whatever he wants, with no one being able to stop him. Another example would be when he killed his wife, Emi Akezawa, by rupturing her eardrums and then breaking her spine. He is also very brutal, as shown when he ripped Kaiou Ryuu's face off, and then slammed his skinless face onto the stone floor. He is also unexpectedly silent and stoic most of the time. He desires for his son Baki to become strong like him, so he can enjoy a challenging fight with him as if Baki is a toy to him. He has a deep resentment for those who are weak and does not even think it's worth killing them.

why does baka loader not recognize meet and fuck

He will also kill for pleasure or satisfaction when he feels like it. He tends to kill people if pushed or enraged enough and does not show care or remorse when doing so. His whole life and mindset are dedicated to nothing but fighting and growing stronger with each person he defeats, sometimes killing them. He seemingly lives only to fight and cause destruction to anything and everything he can. Yuujiro is also known to be emotionally manipulative - this can be seen in his relationships with his son and Emi Akezawa, for example. He shows no mercy towards anybody, as he views mercy as a "weak" trait. Yuujiro is a very cruel and arrogant man. 3.2.1 Most Evil Death Row Convicts Saga.

Why does baka loader not recognize meet and fuck